I went to meet with my oncologist last Friday and she had a wonderful surprise for me. My last treatment (which was supposed to be yesterday) was cancelled because she re-counted them and I had already finished the year's worth. That was such great news.
Today I went in and had the port taken out. Much easier coming out than going in! I have to be careful for a week but other than that, I am all set.
While at the doctors I was talking with her about some pain I've been having on my left side. I am sure that it's just my implant but she decided to send me for an ultra sound this Friday to check out my lymph nodes.
I am relieved that they will be checked out and I trust that after they tell me it's all clear that my mind will allow me to put it aside and let it go.
Then I have a three month break with no appointments. That will seem so very strange. I'll get used to it!