Not much to talk about. Rough time emotionally lately but I'm working through it I think. Sometimes I feel like suck a dork when I cry over crazy things but in reading and talking to doctors, my feelings are normal and part of the "cancer experience" but I'm still frustrated. Stupid ass cancer!
Several people have asked about how Connie is doing. She is one tough cookie! She is working really hard in moving and doing the hard exercises to help get her hip strong. Every day she does more and more. We went on a road trip a few days ago to run some errands. Even though she didn't get out of the car, she loved getting out of the house after being cooped up for over two weeks and enjoyed seeing all the pretty leaves.
I met with the plastic surgeon and the next surgery phase is tentatively set for December 8th depending on whether or not my skin heals. It's pretty sore right now and having to put a shirt on it is a bit painful but I am confident that by December I'll be good to go. He knows that I REALLY want this part done by Christmas. It'll be a year since this journey began and it needs to be done.......seriously!
Now that radiation is over and surgery is 53 days away, I an trying to get back on the diet and exercise plan. I know that losing weight would also help me emotionally so I just need to DO IT! I did it before so I know I can.
Gonna go visit Lynn for a few days. I feel bad about leaving Con but as long as I bring her a present, she will be ok with it. Looking forward to getting away for a bit.
Hope you are enjoying your visit with Lynn.