Monday, June 6, 2011

We are down to just ONE treatment left

Can you believe it?  Way back on January 28th when I had my first treatment  I thought five months was going to be forever and now its almost over.  I even asked the nurse if they could double up this week so I could be done.  Guess it doesn't work that way so next Monday, June 13th by this time I will be done with chemo (and it BETTER mean done forever and ever with chemo).


1 comment:

  1. Nancy,
    I just this evening found out about your year and the cancer. When I read about your trip to Atlanta and the bald thing it took me back to the annual Paddock end of year meeting/party/talent show that was a cherished ritual. The wig I pictured you having was the one you wore in your annual Sonny and Cher number. One of my favorite memories of you and what fun you made it to be in school teaching with you. With all my heart I wish for you strength, grace (grace???), humor, and no need to mask how you feel (good or bad). Want to knit some cat hair yarn with me?
    mary u.
