Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Goodbye gray!

 Hair is growing out more and more (except for the bangs!) and I had enough of the UGLY gray color so Janelle helped me out today an gave me a nice brown.  MUCH BETTER!  She even trimmed it up a bit too!  Thanks Janelle!

Radiation is going pretty well.  I actually have started counting down now.....only eight to go.  It's gone quite fast.  My skin is holding up pretty well.  It's red and I have some rashes going on but no complaints because I know it could be far worse.

The hardest part of the actual radiation is the position I have to put my arm in during the treatment.  It hurts so and every day my arm goes numb.  Today I lay on the table with tears running down my face.  They probably think I'm nuts!!!  Thank goodness it's a short period of time.

Fatigue has hit really hard too.  I have never been as tired as I am right now.  It affects how I feel and my emotions are crazy.  I was told to expect it but it's way more than I thought it would be.

So tired of it all.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Exercise and Cancer......some good information.

I was contacted by a man by the name of David Hass who found my blog and has recently been researching and writing about how beneficial cancer support networks and staying physically fit is to people going through cancer treatment.  Below is his article sharing some of the research he has done.  Thanks for sharing David!

The Benefits of Exercising When Dealing with Cancer

Anybody who has ever had any experience with cancer knows that it takes a tremendous toll on a person's body and mind. With the amount of stress the body is placed under, exercise is highly beneficial for any cancer patient, whether beginning treatments or going through remission. The benefit of exercise is the same for every type of cancer, whether it's breast cancer, mesothelioma or kidney cancer.

In addition to the typical benefits of exercise, like a decrease in body fat and a gain in lean muscle, exercise can help cancer patients to feel less nausea and fatigue. It can even help cancer treatments to be more effective, by aiding in building the body's natural defenses. Many exercising cancer patients have found that they have more energy, better moods and even a better quality of life than they felt they had before exercising.

Though some studies are beginning to show that exercise can be a cure for cancer, more research is needed to determine the validity of this claim. One study, called Move More, found that a breast cancer patient's risk of recurrence could be decreased by as much as 40 percent, just by spending two and a half hours a week exercising. Even if exercise is not a cure for cancer, the benefit of more effective treatments, reduced recurrence rates, and an overall sense of well being, make it worthwhile.

Everyone knows that exercise is important and good for him or her. What many people may not know, however, is that being overweight may be a link to certain types of cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute ( Exercising won't necessarily prevent cancer, but it will better equip a person's body to work through treatments more easily and survive the cancer.

For many cancers, treatment options can be rough. Some options include surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy (these options are typical for most cancers). Each option is very taxing on the body, and if the body begins treatment in a weakened state, due to a lack of exercise, it can be harder to go through surgery or chemo successfully. Exercising, whether it's through yoga, swimming, or a nightly walk, can help strengthen the body and prepare it for treatment and help make these procedures more effective. Even after the cancer is gone, maintaining a regular fitness regimen can be beneficial in helping prevent the cancer from returning.

By: David Haas

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

NO LAUGHING....I mean it!!!

Ok, Chloe and I both have a weight "issue" that we have to address.  Chloe and I walk around the block at least three or four times a day (five times is a mile) but her short legs means a VERY slow go and not much exercise for me at all.  Chloe loves being outside and I need longer walks so I looked on line for a dog stroller.  There are hundreds to choose was amazing.'s what I bought.  It came all the way from British Columbia and it's perfect.  I took her for a short walk last night and she just looked all over and seemed very relaxed.  Today after we got back from one of her walks I pulled the stroller out and said......"Do you want to go for a ride?" and she ran to the stroller and I put her inside and off we went.

We walked for a mile and that's a start.  She loved it.  She even laid down and rested but mostly she looked all over.  Here's a few pictures of our first trip.  LOVE IT!!!  (and I don't care how stupid we look either....remember I've been bald for months so it really doesn't matter.)   HA!!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Nice Article....thanks Joyce!

Someone asked me why I didn't participate in the Relay this year.  I DID go down, walk around, saw some friends...stayed for a short time but it was hard.  Feelings too new.  Still lots of fear and lots of anxiety related to cancer.

I will participate in the future but for this year I just wasn't ready.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Radiation = no losing weight and no swimming....grrrrrr

I JUST got back on track with dieting.  I had lost close to 15 pounds already and last week they told me that I had to stop.  COME ON PEOPLE....I am fat and need to lose all the weight I've gained.

It seems that if I lose weight the tattoos they put on me for radiation may shift and then the radiation won't be accurate.  They took x-rays to be sure everything is ok and I should hear about that soon.

I'm good at losing weight when I try to and I am obviously REALLY good at gaining big time but now I have to maintain.  That's going to be interesting.  It is what it is so I will just wait another month or so to start losing again.

Apparently swimming during radiation isn't a good idea because chlorine is hard on your skin and there is a chance for infections from a public pool.  This one really bothers me because right now swimming is the only exercise that doesn't hurt me.  SO for now, no swimming.

I'm crabby.

Today they are sending me to a lymphedema clinic to make sure everything is ok with my arm.  I think it's fine but I want to lift weights and they will make sure I can and tell me the right things to do.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

better today.....MUCH better

Man, yesterday was one of those days.  The nurse that tried to get blood couldn't get it to come out of my port.  Went to visit a nurse at the doctor's office who was going to talk with me about the anti-hormone drug I am going to get for five years, sat for 30 min (at which point I was SUPPOSED to be getting my Herceptin infusion) and then they informed me that the nurse was at the Chelsea office......I've never gone to the Chelsea office.................grrrrrrr.  Some other nurse checked me out, didn't really do anything but they probably wanted their money (I know, I should be nice).  By the time I got to the clinic I was 40 minutes late and by then the pharmacy was backed up and it took longer than usual to the the drug for my infusion.  By the time all was said and done, what should have taken 45 minutes took almost 2 hours.   Came home and tried to settle down and then went back in for radiation and they were also backed up so that took almost an hour.  I'm glad I'm not a drinking woman because I would have been done for...not really!

I know that the biggest problem was missing the staff and kids at school but the rest of the day sucked!!!  Today I am cleaning my house, trying to be productive, and was greeted with a dozen roses from the staff at school.  Check them out!

I am a very lucky and blessed woman.  Need to remember that!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Missing school

Tomorrow is the first day of school and I won't be there for the first time in 35 years. I feel pretty sad tonight. I have to get bloodwork done, have a doctor's appointment, a Herceptin infusion, and radiation so it's not like it's not going to be a busy day but............ I miss school. Big time!

I know it will get better but I am sad, very sad!