Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Goodbye gray!

 Hair is growing out more and more (except for the bangs!) and I had enough of the UGLY gray color so Janelle helped me out today an gave me a nice brown.  MUCH BETTER!  She even trimmed it up a bit too!  Thanks Janelle!

Radiation is going pretty well.  I actually have started counting down now.....only eight to go.  It's gone quite fast.  My skin is holding up pretty well.  It's red and I have some rashes going on but no complaints because I know it could be far worse.

The hardest part of the actual radiation is the position I have to put my arm in during the treatment.  It hurts so and every day my arm goes numb.  Today I lay on the table with tears running down my face.  They probably think I'm nuts!!!  Thank goodness it's a short period of time.

Fatigue has hit really hard too.  I have never been as tired as I am right now.  It affects how I feel and my emotions are crazy.  I was told to expect it but it's way more than I thought it would be.

So tired of it all.


  1. Like the new color of your hair...I'm not a fan of grey myself, as you well know. : ) I'm sorry this part of your treatment is so painful and fatiguing. You have been brave for so long, so although it is easy for me to sit here and say it, I'll say it anyway. You are almost through. You can do it. When the pain is bad, go away in your mind, to a favorite place with or without your favorite people. I will send you energy and healing thoughts. Hang in there, friend.

  2. Wow! Your hair has really grown! The brown looks good.

    I am glad you are counting down the radiation treatments. But sad that you are so tired. Remember you can always call me - 2am your time is only 11pm out here!!
