Friday, December 31, 2010

Counting my blessings!!!

It's New Year's Eve and I woke up this morning to go to the gym and thought about all of the things I have to be grateful for.  I woke up not in pain this morning, I slept really well last night, I don't have to think about the results for three days and can "let it go" for a feels so good!  Lynn thinks it's because she is here.  I think that when they did the biopsies that they got the cancer out.  (ok, so we're BOTH delusional!!!)

That being said, there is so much good in this world and in my life.  Like I have said before the outpouring of support is overwhelming.  I wish I could list here all of the words and messages that I have received.  I feel bad for mentioning just a few because I hate it if you felt YOUR message didn't also touch me too.  Please know that they do.  Here's a few that have warmed my family received a candle from me last Christmas and they have it out and every night they are lighting the candle, saying a prayer, and will do it until I am cancer free.  Another friend said yesterday at 8:00 when I was getting my biopsies that he was going to get his nipple pierced in support.....I have a feeling this didn't happen but I got a good chuckle out of it.  This from a former student:

"Ms. Tetens,
I am working as a senior clinical cancer scientist at the Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute in Nashville, TN. I am assigned to both breast and lung cancer clinical trials. The research and outcomes that I am seeing are incredibly positive.
Rest assured that I will work twice as hard knowing that this has affected someone with whom I have great respect for.

You will absolutely beat this.

The reason?

You inspired hundreds of kids to go on and accomplish their goals in life. By planting those seeds, you have built an army of prayers and thoughts that will absolutely aid you in achieving yours.

Reflect inward. Stay positive. Kick it's ass."

How can I possibly be pissed at a God who gives me such incredible people in my life.  I feel for cancer patients without.....a family who helps no matter what, a huge school family, neighbors, girlfriends from high school, a small town community, and friends all across the country.  I think that once this is done, finished, gone, and cured I just may have found something to do during retirement......supporting other cancer patients who are not as fortunate as I am to have this lever of support.

Yes, I have MANY, MANY things to be grateful for.  Happy New Year everyone!!!!


  1. What a wonderful inspiration you are to us all! You have such a positive attitude! It's great that you are still going to the gym! You are going to beat this because you still have so much to give and we all have so much to learn from you! Happy New Year and God Bless YOU!

  2. You will beat this! You are an extremely strong woman who inspires everyone. You are surrounded by love and support.

  3. "nipple pierced" ... Not the words Chuck wanted to wake up to :) . Can't say I'll pierce anything, but you know I'm just a phone call away. Never know what a new day, or a new year, will bring; but again, you encourage me to face it with a smile regardless of the outcome. Tell Lynn I said hi. Bring in the new year with a vengeance.

  4. I too count my blessings on December 31, and this year the list includes a friend who is showing me what it means to face life's most formidable challenge with strength, courage, grace and most of all humor. You've got what it takes to beat this Nancy -- go for it!!

  5. Happy New Year Nancy!!!! As your former student said: "Kick it's ass!!" You CAN do it!

  6. That a girl! Keep that positive energy wonderful that you are looking forward to helping, encouraging and supporting others fighting cancer. You're right, you do have a lot to do! Tell Lynn hello for me!

  7. That is a wonderful idea Nancy!!! There are so many people out there that could use your support and encouragement who have no one. You are truly an amazing woman!!!!
    Happy New Year!
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers daily!
    Karen Phillips

  8. Educating others selflessly through your own struggles, this is who you are! Whether it through teaching, leading, or weight loss, you inspire others to rise above their challenges through your own. I am not feeling sad tonight, I am feeling more hopeful than ever. If there is anyone who can beat this, it is you! You WILL BEAT CANCER with grace and beauty, like always! I am here for you now and always. NOW....let's kick some butt!!!
    Steph Moore

  9. As promised my friend... (from the Team Towanda foundation for fighting breast cancer).

    A Martini for Heartburn

    A woman sitting at a bar says to the barman, "Barfender, I'd like a marhini for my heartburn." The barman mixes her drink and puts in down in front of her.

    A few minutes later, she calls him over and says, "Barfender, I'd like a marhini for my heartburn." He rolls his eyes but mixes her drink anyway and sets it down in front of her.

    A few minutes later, she waves him over again and says, "Barfender, I'd like a marhini for my heartburn."

    The barman looks her up and down and says, "First off, it's bartender, not barfender. Second off, it's martini, not marhini. And third, you don't have heartburn, your boob is in the ashtray."
    As your friend and colleague, I promise I will always be there to hold your hair when you barf, hold your purse while you pee but hold your boob while you drink??? Forget it!
    I will however, hold your hand through this fight. All I have to say is TOWANDA!!!!

  10. There are no words to express how inspiring you are. You have always been there for me and I will always be here for you. Thanks for this Blog-you never fail to amaze me with your strength and determination!
