Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 14....still have my hair.....hmmmm!

My brother Bob says my blog is boring so I told him about where I AM losing hair and now he won't talk to me.  Enough said.  He asked for it!!!

Tomorrow (Friday) is a blood draw (the first time in my port which makes me nervous) and then Monday is treatment #2.  It seems like such a LONG time since the first one.  I think it's because I have felt so good.

Waiting sucks.


  1. And, between that blood draw and treatment #2 there will be a gathering of girlfriends that promises to be loads of fun. Can't wait ;~)

  2. Where are you losing hair.....wait....don't answer that! Lol! Maybe you will defy all the odds & keep your hair. You never were a rule follower. Heehee! I think you are glowing right now & no not because of the radioactive material in your body! You shined like the sun in that yellow top that you wore the other day. You looked very pretty! Can't wait to go to Vegas! REMISSION BABY!
    Love you!
