Thursday, January 6, 2011

Beast Cancer Apple Pie....check it out!!!

Check out the breast cancer logo on the apple pie Lynn made for us today.  Oh my gosh is it DELICIOUS!!!!  Lynn can cook, BIG TIME!!!!

We can't eat dinner because we ate a big piece and it had 100's of calories in it but I don't care, it was really worth it.

I certainly won't recommend getting breast cancer but if you do, find a best friend who is willing to be with you and do dorky things like Lynn does!!!

It helps.


  1. The pie looks yummy! Hooray for Lynn!

  2. Hey I just noticed the title of this entry -- BEAST cancer! I assume that's a Freudian slip, but it's a darn clever one and pretty accurate as well. Kill the BEAST that is cancer!

  3. yes they call them BREAST Friends glad you have someone to go through it with you you also have many people praying for you and fighting to find a cure, We have Relay for Life Summit this weekend for the committee and chairs one more person for me to keep fighting for you are NOT in it alone
