Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm not unique.....

..........normally that would bother me but in this case I am thrilled!  The breast cancer I have (Invasive Ductal Carcinoma) is the most common of all of the types of breast cancers so that's good.  There is also cancer in the lymph node they biopsied.  I was expecting lots more news today but they really didn't give me any more information other than it's cancer.....duh, I knew that!!!

I met with the surgeon and he basically said the same thing.  The plan at this point is to go to an oncologist for more tests (hopefully to determine if it's anywhere else) and possibly to start some type of treatment prior to surgery.

The waiting game continues but I guess that I will start being satisfied with little, tiny bits of information.  The ability to be patient is going to test me daily.  In the meantime, I am just fine.


  1. Ah, don't say that. You are too unique, just this aspect of crap you're dealing with isn't. The waiting on this side sucks, I can't imagine what it feels like for you. I am so glad you have so many people to stand with you and support you. It's a testimony to the woman you are.

  2. You are patient...just think of all those children whose lives you touched in a positive way because you were patient with them and gave them what they needed to succeed. You have got what it takes to get through this.

    Sue Paris

  3. Nancy, your strength, honesty, and grit, along with who you are at your core, are so inspiring! Thinking of you and visualizing you healthy and whole, every day!

  4. You are definitely not normal...oh...wait...you used the term "unique". (heehee :~)) Oh, well in that case, you are absolutely UNIQUE and beautiful! I cannot even imagine what this waiting is doing to you right now. Just try to remember that GOD is driving this vechicle to remission, so put it all on him! Give him your fears, your frustration, and your impatience. (Easier said than done....I know). I will be speaking with HIM again tonight, so I will put in a good word. However, it may be a long conversation. I have much to ask to be forgiven for....you know me....hahahaha! Love ya!
    Steph Moore
