Sunday, January 2, 2011

A little New Year's humor.....

It's so nice to laugh, to have moments where I totally forget what the heck is going on.  It's short lived but I enjoy those moments.  Lynn and I took a short road trip and went up to Birch Run, Bronner's, and the Bavarian Inn today.  Colder than anything but so nice to get away.

I figured out why most likely I never married........ Lynn got here Thursday.  She kept saying that she was here for me.....that "It's all about you."  After living with me for three days she is pretty much being mean, telling me to shut up, and I think she really doesn't care if I live or die.

NOT REALLY!!!!!  She makes me laugh.  She helps me enjoy the moment.  She helps me see the beauty in everything.  Love your friends in 2011.


  1. Sorry ta hear it, will pray fer ya. Love Mama

  2. True friendship is perhaps the only relation that survives the trials and tribulations of time. That's why friendships last longer than marriages. You and Lynn are a rare treasure.

  3. I can still picture the two of you at staff meetings singing: I Got You Babe!
    How true it is!
