Monday, January 3, 2011

Pissy mood!

Was told I'd hear the results of the biopsies today.  Lynn and Connie have been with me all day today but after calling several times, it seems as though the results are not yet ready.  Needless to say I am soooooo frustrated, angry, impatient, and ready to scream.  I am being a total grouch to Connie and Lynn and I feel so bad.  Thanks to Karen we have several games to play.....that's helped pass the time.  It's been a long time since I've played Racko and Yahtzee.

It's also a beautiful day so I need to get over it, enjoy the good company, and enjoy these moments.

Hard though.


  1. I think it is time for you to play me in skipbo.....I played over 10 games with Kevin's grandparents New Year's Weekend....I might very well kick your butt! :) Praying for you tomorrow!

  2. I'd be frustrated too!! It is very hard to wait.

    The games sound like a good idea. Any wagering going on? That could make it a little more interesting...

    I'll be praying for you.

  3. Hi Nancy...
    We finally got our computer up and running (Monday, 8:15 pm). We just read your series of blogs. We have been thinking about you and praying for you since you called us earlier. It is great to see you have so much support from friends and family to help in any way possible. Please remember that you are not alone. Continue to maintain your faith...putting the situation in God's hands. You do not have to carry the burden alone, because He will help provide the strength to carry you through. Even though we are far away, please know that we will continue to pray for you and follow your progress on your blogs.
    Hang in there...we love you!!!
    Bev and Gene
