Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kids react

Today was my first day at school after the kids learned about my breast cancer.  The reactions of kids (like the reactions from most adults) varied widely.  Kids looked relieved to see me.  Many just smiled and shyly said hi.  Some didn't know what to say.  I got lots of darling cards on my desk and throughout the day....priceless messages.........lots of hugs and get well wishes.  It's seems to be easier for kids to say what they think.  They want to know I am there when I am supposed to be there.  They want to know I am ok and that I will be ok.

The funniest reaction to the kids at school came from a third grade girl who came up to me, gave me a hug (she was just about boob height)  : ) and said, "Miss Tetens, I hope your breast feels better really soon."  I told her I hope so soon.

Kids are great!


  1. The open-mindedness and pure caring that kids have should lead the world in acceptance. (of everything) It is so powerful. Good for you for being out there and being a brave leader of the children.

  2. Kids are very good at saying EXACTLY what they are thinking, and that is why we love them! Sometimes you want to hear it and other times you would rather not. I think I can speak for every adult at Symons. WE all hope your breast feels better soon! Too cute! I love it!
    Love you!
